most endearing and heartfelt experiences were traveling to different parts
of the world and applying my creativity towards problem solving at a local
level: A school project in a Mayan village in Yucatan, Mexico; A mural
at a corporate headqurters in Paris; Design concept of a magazine in the
Bahamas; A photo shoot in Djerba, Tunisia or debuting a new aircraft in
Akigawa, Japan. The terrestrial journey continues to be fruitful!
Pictured on the left: A kinetic sculpture mural for the Santa Fe Children's Museum; Playground design for the Mendocino Whale School; Jewelry design as a wonderful play; Fun furniture design delighted thousands of kids; A UNICEF-funded solar-heated shower system in a Guatemalan Indian village created wonder and intrigue; Zip - a miniature vehicle for inner urban transportation was fast and compact; And the Ikenga 23-foot catamaran, prototype for a kit-assembled houseboat, was designed while living on the Big River in Northern California. Creativity is an awesome cross-cultural langauge and a wonderful passport for international travel! |
is most exciting about the creative process is seeing and experiencing
the works of other creators. Visit the "On The Edge" segment
of our Internet publication and meet some folks whose innovations
are on the cutting edge. Click
at center of the vortex
above for direct
access to this area. |