VISION OF PEACE: Healing Through the Heart of the Circle
The Philosophy of Native American Wellness is passionately introduced to visitors in this segment of Pathfinders by a teacher and facilitator who grew from her cultural roots on the Fort Berthold Indian Reservation in North Dakota to acclaim as an international traveler who is bringing the wisdom of her culture onto the world stage. Marilyn Youngbird, a tribal member of the Arikara and Hidatsa Nations, is a renowned holistic health care practitioner, teacher and lecturer who has presented many cultural sensitivity training seminars and traditional Native American holistic health care workshops in the United States, Bosnia Herzegovina, Japan, Croatia,Canada, Sweden and Russia. Her
classes on Interfacing between Traditional Native American Medicine and
Western Medicine have been presented at the Massachusetts Institute of
Technology School of Medicine, |
Dartmouth College School of Medicine and the Institute of Transpersonal Psychology, Menlo Park, California. Marilyn's storytelling will introduce our Pathfinder visitors to some of the underlying tenants of Native American philosophy and the native viewpoint on healing that Marilyn has so eloquently shared around the world. Whether serving as liaison between White House Staff and the Central Committee members of the USSR at the United States-Soviet "Glasnost" Conference in Telluride or visiting with us at Pathfinders, our visit with Marilyn Youngbird will be deeply heartfelt. Ho, Mitakuye Oyasin
In the future a chat room will enable
you to discuss Marilyn's Vision of Peace and the importance of the Native
Way. |